Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Some Days Are Better Than Others

Thank you much for the package; I look forward to receiving it.  As for new suits, I'll be fine for at least a little while.  They're holding up good.

I apologize for being brief in my previous emails.  I'm really doing fine; some days are better than others.  It's discouraging when less-actives and investigators feed you what they think they want you want to hear and then don't follow through.  Either that, or they've allowed the imperfections of Church members to cloud their eternal perspective.  But I'm not letting it get me down; I'm reminded of the times in my life where I've struggled to keep my eternal perspective unclouded.  Fervent study and prayer really helps.  It also helps that I'm part of the effort to prepare for the get-to-know-the-Mormons fireside that happens at the end of August.

As for transfers, they happen next Thursday and Friday and we'll see what happens, but I'm pretty sure that I'm gone  I'm grateful for what I've learned here in Glenwood, but it'll nice to see new horizons.

Its' great to hear about the happenings from home and in the family; Naomi and Noah email me pretty regularly so that I'm up to speed on what's going on. The name of the movie Noah wants to see is Princess Mononoke; it's well-done but even though it's PG-13, it's pretty bloody in spots.  Just so you're aware.

The FamilySearch Pioneer Database sounds awesome. 

This week we've got a cool exchange planned with the Elders in our District and we're continuing to help people prepare for the fireside.  I'll tell you more next week (and with pics!)

Elder McMurray

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